Overview Principals Course Map List of Music Games

Making Music for Social Emotional Development for Preschool
Table of Contents

Hi! Please note, these write ups are currently under construction.
I welcome questions, suggestions, concerns, comments.
you are welcome to email me at: kevin@makermusic.net

Program Overview

Greetings and Attendance

Hello Song

Wiggles / Stop and Go

Level 2: Shakers Around The Body

Level 3: Shakers Around The Body-Students Lead

Level 4: Player Leads the Group with an Instrument


Obstacle Course

Obstacle Course Duet

Xylophone Obstacle

Xylophone Duet


Parading playing a drum

Thunderstorms - starting to play the drums

Count Downs

Rocket to the Moon

Watermelon Handshake

Drumming Watermelons - Hand Isolations

Drumming Boom Hut

Fruit Salad Handshake

Conducting Rumbles

Balloon Conductor

Balloon Conductor Student Led

Step Ups

Watermelon Step Up and Step Down

Watermelon Step Up, Step Down - Duet

Playing Rhythm Words - Fruit Rhythms

Hopping Rhythm Squares

Level 2: Duets

Pass A Ball

Level 2: Pass Several Balls

Level 3: Pass Several Balls - Switch

Roll a Ball

Toss a Beanbag to Self Two Hands

Pass a Bean bag Square

Animal Frolics


Light the Energy Tube

Sharing Gratitudes

Goodbye Song

'Puppet Show' for handling challenging behaviors.