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Social Emotional Development through Music Making

Social Emotional Development through Music Making uses an embodied learning approach to teach music that fosters a love for the music making process, improves physical well-being, supports social emotional development, improves cognitive development.

Embodied Learning: Where Mind Meets Movement

Embodied learning is an educational approach that emphasizes the role of the whole body, not just the brain, in the learning process. It goes beyond traditional methods that focus solely on cognitive understanding and incorporates movement, emotions, and sensory experiences to create a deeper, more meaningful learning experience. Think of it this way: When you learn to ride a bike, you don't just memorize instructions. You get on the bike, feel the wind in your hair, and experience the wobble and balance as you pedal. This physical engagement is what cements the understanding in your body and mind.

Here are some key principles of embodied learning:

Benefits of Embodied Learning:

Social and Emotional Development:

Cognitive Development:

Large Motor Skills:

Fine Motor Skills:

Overall Physical well-being: