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Playing Rhythm Words - Fruit Rhythms

Purpose of this lesson:

Students learn to hear and play different units and patterns of rhythmic by saying names of familiar objects. We start with fruits and vegetable.

Students learn a rhythmic vocabulary which they will build into longer rhythmics phrases. (See Fruit Salad Rhythms)

With mastery of these rhythm patterns, students can then learn to visually read standard notation much more easily.

Students learn increased stick control playing these rhythms. This stick control primes learning drumming

Seeing the actual fruits and or pictures can lead into discusison for favorite foods.

Students learn to fluidly play various rhythm patterns which can prime later music reading and music improvisation.

Students are taught to not only know they primary rhtyhms but to learn know at that they know.

Students are learning some specific rhythm patterns as rhythm words. They learn the rhythm through hearing and movement. They first associate these with fruit names and images.

As students become fluent with these fruit names- they will leanr the same patterns in block notation.

String Bean or Carrot or Apple.
Muskmelon ( or Strawberry if the rhythmic pronounciation is slightly changed.)

Once a student learns block notation, it is very easy to translate into standard western european notation. And if a student has an embodied felt sense of rhythm, their music reading will be far more fluid, accurate and meaningful.